Monday, June 3, 2013

Etsy Metal Blog Carnival- What's up this summer?

Every month our Etsy Metal group posts a question for us to blog about. This month is "Summer, what's your plans?". 

Usually my husband and I are planning a trip to NY but we decided to hold off on any big trips this year and save some money. So, instead we've been doing lots of yard work. Gardening really isn't our thing but last year I kinda got bit by the gardening bug! We are not fans of mowing either so if we can plant something to cover up more yard we are all for it. Last weekend we bought 4 different types of ground cover and planted down the length of one side of the house, whew! That was quite the undertaking.

Yesterday we planted a couple of San Marzano tomato plants. We got hooked on these tomatoes earlier this year, if you haven't tried them add it to your list of things to try. They make the best tomato soup and sauce!

I will also be busy making jewelry and getting ready for an art fair in September. Will be taking a few days off from the day job each month in order to get things made. That's really the only way I am able to produce any amount of work. Oh! I'm also going to be taking a three day enameling class this month which Im super excited for.

So, just hanging around the house in the yard and in my studio are my summer plans. What's yours?

Check out what some of my other teammates are doing this summer on their blogs:

 Laura Jane Bouton
 Lou Hunter
 Rebecca Bogan:
 Andrea Ring:
 Anne Walker:
 Abella Blue:

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