This is one of my new pieces that I will be showing at the Buyers Market of American Craft next month in Philadelphia. It's the first bracelet that I've ever offered and I hope it will be hit, it's a fun piece to make. I textured the side of the copper, wanted it to look kinda like a large penny. Materials used are sterling silver,copper and part of a stop sign for that beautiful red showing through.
I was invited to be a part of this show called "New Directions in Contemporary Jewelry" in Lakewood,Colorado. It runs through April 2 so if any of you are in that area or traveling there please check it out. Bryan and I wish we could be there for the opening night this Thursday but our friend Dia has promised to take lots of pictures so we can see the exhibit too.
Wow,well it took me long enough to make my first post of the new year huh? So, this year's challenge is to do a sketch per day, and when Im talking sketch I mean just a doodle basically. These will just be quick little renderings and most likely they will be jewelry ideas that I will work on during the year. After doing the Ring a Day challenge last year i think it's a really good idea to have some creative project that I hold myself accountable for each day. I came up with so many great ideas last year and look forward to what will come from my daily doodles!